
What Was the Purpose of the Gentlemen`s Agreement between Japan and the United States Brainly

The gentlemen`s agreement between Japan and the United States was an informal agreement that was reached in 1907 with the aim of reducing immigration from Japan to the United States. This agreement was not a formal treaty, but rather a diplomatic understanding between the two countries. The agreement symbolized a compromise between the two nations and was intended to avoid serious diplomatic tensions.

The primary purpose of the gentlemen`s agreement was to limit the number of Japanese immigrants who were coming to the United States. The American government was concerned about the large number of Japanese immigrants who were arriving in the country and feared that they would cause social unrest. The Japanese government, on the other hand, was concerned about the discriminatory treatment of Japanese immigrants in the United States and sought to protect the rights of its citizens.

Under the agreement, the Japanese government agreed to restrict the number of its citizens who would emigrate to the United States. In exchange, the American government agreed to accept the families of Japanese immigrants who were already in the United States and to allow Japanese students to study in American schools.

The gentlemen`s agreement was controversial, and it was criticized by many people who felt that it unfairly discriminated against Japanese immigrants. However, it was considered a diplomatic success in that it prevented serious tensions between the two nations from escalating into a full-blown diplomatic crisis.

In conclusion, the gentlemen`s agreement between Japan and the United States was an informal agreement that aimed to reduce immigration from Japan to the United States. Its primary purpose was to limit the number of Japanese immigrants who were coming to the United States and to avoid serious diplomatic tensions between the two nations. Although it was controversial, it was considered a diplomatic success and helped to maintain peaceful relations between the two countries.